
Showing posts from March, 2017

Support the Climate cause, go for Window Magic

Windows are most definitely one of the foremost elements in any design form. So much so that a brilliant design for a building might look staggeringly dull if the windows aren’t done carefully, so evidently, windows can bring to the fore the most boring of building designs too. Regardless of the numerous benefits of having good windows, most people fail to appreciate their existence. Similar to most of evolution in today’s world, windows too are going through a phase of transition. Earlier and even today, wood and iron have been one of the most popular materials when it comes to construction for window frames and doors. With the invention of the material UPVC, things seem to be on the brighter side of the sun for windows. Window Magic is the premier uPVC Windows manufacturers in Bangalore and the range of products listed in the website never disappoint if you were looking for something new and exciting for your home. Moreover, the material ‘uPVC’ is sweeping the entire constructio...

Try out uPVC if you haven’t only from Window Magic

You may be thinking as to what is UPVC and we’d like to tell you that it is the newest generation of products based on un-plasticized polyvinyl chlorates, a material known for its strength and robustness even when exposed to intense weather conditions pertaining to rain, wind and heat and where in these elements are always on the higher end of the scale. Before uPVC doors and windows suppliers , we had PVC. But although the names might sound similar, these materials are worlds apart. The benefits of using uPVC window frames and doors are vast. Usually, the preferred choice of raw material for window and door frames is either wood or cast metal. But, as science and nature have proved it already, these naturally found materials are in addition very vulnerable to water, wind and heat, elements found in the atmosphere in abundance. In fact, wood straight out decays after a short life if not taken care of and cast metal catches rust one day or the other despite investing a lot of money f...

Think of the environment, Think of Window Magic

Varnish it upon completion of every year, protect it from rain, you have to keep it away from heat and definitely have to keep it away from wind. The sentence that you read is the very embodiment of the material called wood and sometime the complement goes out to cast iron too, especially wood and cast iron that’s used for the frames for window magic. Window Magic is a company that bring to you uPVC windows in Bangalore and here are few advantages of using these windows in your home– 1. Durable- UPVC Windows and doors can withstand the beating time enforces on materials exposed to the weather elements such as rough winds, rains and heat. 2. Maintenance free - UPVC windows and doors need a swipe once in a while to clean and that’s all. uPVC Doors Bangalore doesn’t rot nor do they lose their colour. 3. Alkaline Resistant – Alkaline is an element that is capable of eating through wood and cast iron unlike UPVC which is a stable material, so it is sea water resistan...