Try out uPVC if you haven’t only from Window Magic

You may be thinking as to what is UPVC and we’d like to tell you that it is the newest generation of products based on un-plasticized polyvinyl chlorates, a material known for its strength and robustness even when exposed to intense weather conditions pertaining to rain, wind and heat and where in these elements are always on the higher end of the scale.

Before uPVC doors and windows suppliers, we had PVC. But although the names might sound similar, these materials are worlds apart. The benefits of using uPVC window frames and doors are vast. Usually, the preferred choice of raw material for window and door frames is either wood or cast metal.

But, as science and nature have proved it already, these naturally found materials are in addition very vulnerable to water, wind and heat, elements found in the atmosphere in abundance. In fact, wood straight out decays after a short life if not taken care of and cast metal catches rust one day or the other despite investing a lot of money for maintenance.

Windows and Doors manufacturers - Why choose uPVC doors and windows?

This is where uPVC takes the crown. uPVC is such an efficient material that a wipe or two a year is sufficient to keep the windows and doors squeaky clean. Plus, maintenance costs are massively low as compared to wood or iron and uPVC products look brand new even after a decade of rough wear and tear. If you were looking for a material for your windows and doors that would give you peace of mind instead of being a headache, Window Magic’s extensive line-up of niche uPVC products are just made for you.


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